Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Well, it's been a while since I posted, I apologize. It's been a busy month. Not for fiber though, haven't actually got to do too much with my fiber. It's been busy with my real job, the one that pays me right now. I did get the opportunity to help out with herd health at Charmed Alpacas this month. I learned how to administer the shot for de-worming and did almost all of them. That was quite an experience. The pacas are getting their fleece back and looking rather lovely this time of year. Our Mark Anthony is getting to be a rather good looking boy. I need to get him on the show circuit. He could be our ribbon winning future herdsire! I don't have a recent picture of him to show off, need to get one I suppose. I'll add that to my list.
On a totally different note, the chickens have begun laying! We're getting 2-3 eggs daily. They are small and brown but just as edible! We scrambled up a dozen this past weekend and made the kids breakfast. They were very excited to be eating eggs from their chickens. I guess that means I can knock eggs off my grocery list from now on. Yeah!
That's the quick and easy, I'll post again shortly when I get some pictures. Till then, Paca Power!